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Jesuits at Xavier

10 Supporters
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Did you know?

Your generous donation helps us to recruit more young Jesuits in an increasingly competitive environment.  Our ability to recruit and retain Jesuits is directly impacted by your support.

  • Jesuits have been working at Xavier since 1840. 
  • In addition to teaching, Jesuits also work in Campus Ministry, Mission and Identity, live in dorms as resident ministers, and serve as chaplains to Xavier's sports teams.
  • Because of the breadth and depth of ministerial opportunities and the experience of our Xavier colleagues in helping to form Jesuits, Xavier University is known throughout the Midwest Province as one of the best places to train young Jesuits for work in higher education.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $10.0

  • - $250.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $75.0

  • - $25.0